An emoji face thinking with it's mouth open.

Mason Technology Ethics

A Research Project at George Mason University.

The Mason Tech Ethics project addresses one way students can be prepared to face the challenge of working with emerging technologies and techniques - algorithms, AI, machine learning, and large language models, to name a few. We use role-plays (RPs) in combination with case studies (CS) to situate students in scenarios they are likely to face outside the classroom.

Should all data be collected even if it currently doesn't have a use? Should an algorithm that uses social media indicators be used to predict credit risk? How can solidarity and respect be embedded into the implementation of machines in a previously human-intensive industry? These are some examples of the ethical dilemmas students grapple with through the cases and are tasked with deliberating from the perspective of a role on how to move forward.

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We currently have 8 developed cases:

Case Themes Link
Responding to the Boeing Max 737 Crisis
As a member of the Aviation Transportation Investigative Committee (ATIC), participants are tasked with discussing how systematic (technical and social) issues in aviation can be mitigated.
Building Trust; Responsibility; Engineering; Disaster; Case available online
Facial Recognition Technology (FRT) on a College Campus
In response to the global pandemic, Andrew Hamilton University administrators have established a task force to discuss if facial recognition technology will ensure students' safe return on campus.
Innovative Practice; Surveillance; Emergency Response; Privacy; Case available online
Algorithmic Lending Risk Decisions
A loan manager wants to explore algorithmic decision-making for credit and loan decision-making and whether data on demographic and socio-economic profiles should be included.
Risk; Predictive Models; Case available online
Building Trust after the Volkswagen (VW) Emissions Scandal
A rental company's fleet manager is interested in VW vehicles. They want to know if the company can be trusted and what responsibility organizations have to correct the problems they cause.
Trust; Available Soon
E-scooters on Campus
A student reporter is interested in cross-community dialogue on the responsibility of e-scooters from the institution, companies providing the services, and users on campus.
Sustainability; Responsibility; Available Soon
Conversations and Community in Agriculture - Ethical Implementation of Machines
A local reporter is interested in hearing from community members of an agriculture-dependent region on the impact and implications of AI technology on people, regulations, and livelihoods.
Innovation; Solidarity; Available Soon
Community Food Security
A small community is considering a technology-driven food co-op - that uses data to predict the needs of people, reducing cost and eliminating waste - as their only local grocery store is closing.
Food Security; Community Needs; Software Development; Available Soon
Bhopal Gas Disaster
40 years after the disaster, a group of experts are brought together to discuss the long-standing impact on the local communities surrounding the area.
Engineering; Disaster; Available Soon

Interested in running similar activities in your courses? Below are some highlighted resources from this project. For all the publications and proceedings, see the Publications and Proceedings at the bottom of the page.

Designing Role-plays using Case Studies

We created A Framework to Develop and Implement Role-Play Case Studies to Teach Responsible Technology Use. Read more in the journal paper, "A Framework to Develop and Implement Role-Play Case Studies to Teach Responsible Technology Use" [17].

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Running RPs and CSs

Here are some examples of activities, in addition to the role-plays themselves, that can support and scaffold the role-plays in the classroom. Read more in the conference paper, "Role-Play Case Studies to Teach Computing Ethics: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Guidelines" [14].

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Assessing RPs and CSs

One way to assess role-plays is by having students do concept maps that allow them to envision how different concepts are connected to each other. Below is an example of a concept map for one case study. Read more in the conference paper, "Assessing Engineering Student's Representation and Identification of Ethical Dilemmas through Concept Maps and Role-Plays" [9].

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Publications & Proceedings

# Date Citation Link
[17] 2024 Hingle, A. & Johri, A. (2024). A Framework to Develop and Implement Role-Play Case Studies to Teach Responsible Technology Use. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society. Link
[16] 2024 Hingle, A. & Johri, A. (2024). Using Fictional Role-Plays for Engineering and Computing Ethics Instruction. Poster presented at the GMU College of Engineering and Computing Innovation Week 2024 Graduate Student Poster Competition, Fairfax, Virginia, USA. *(Second-Place Award, Graduate Category)
[15] 2024 Hingle, A. & Johri, A. (2024). Technology Students' Recognition of Algorithmic Data Bias through Role-Play Case Studies. Proceedings of the 2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD), Arlington, Virginia, USA.
[14] 2024 Hingle, A. & Johri, A. (2024). Role-Play Case Studies to Teach Computing Ethics: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Guidelines. Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikiki, HI, USA. *(Best Paper Nomination, Computing Education Minitrack) Link
[13] 2023 Mehta, S., Hingle, A. & Johri, A. (2023). Teaching Multidimensional Ethical Decision-Making through a Role-Play Case Study. Proceedings of 2023 IEEE ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, College Station, TX, USA. Link
[12] 2023 Mehta, S., Hingle, A., & Johri, A. (2023). Teaching Sustainability Through A Role-Play Case Study Of E-Scooter Use On College Campuses. Proceedings of 2023 European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) Conference, Dublin, Ireland. Link
[11] 2023 Hingle, A. & Johri, A., (2023). Recognizing Principles of AI Ethics through a Role-Play Case Study on Agriculture. Proceedings of 2023 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA. Link
[10] 2023 Hingle, A. & Johri, A., (2023). Using Fictional Role-Plays for Engineering and Computing Ethics Instruction. Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology (ETHICS), West Lafayette, IN, USA. *(Honorable Mention, Best Poster) Link
[9] 2022 Johri, A., & Hingle, A., (2022). Learning to Link Micro, Meso, and Macro Ethical Concerns Through Role-Play Discussions. Proceedings of 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Uppsala, Sweden. Link
[8] 2022 Hingle, A., & Johri, A. (2022). Assessing Engineering Student's Representation and Identification of Ethical Dilemmas through Concept Maps and Role-Plays. Proceedings of 2022 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. Link
[7] 2022 Hingle, A., Johri, A., & Brozina, C. (2022). Instructing First-Year Engineering Students on the Ethics of Algorithms through a Role-Play. Proceedings of 2022 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. Link
[6] 2022 Hingle, A., Johri, A., Rangwala, H., & Monea, A. (2022). Improving Ethical Thinking Among Future Technologists Through Role-Play Case Studies. 2022 IUSE Summit (Organized by AAAS and NSF), Washington, DC.
[5] 2022 Hingle, A., Rangwala, H., Johri, A., & Monea, A. (2021). Using Role-Plays to Improve Ethical Understanding of Algorithms Among Computing Students. Proceedings of IEEE/ERM Frontiers in Education, 2021. Link
[4] 2021 Martin, DA., Johri, A., Hingle, A. & Lennerfors, T. (2021). Role-playing hypothetical stakeholder scenarios. Proceedings of 49th SEFI Annual Conference 2021, European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI).
[3] 2021 Hingle, A., & Johri, A. (2021). Using Role-Play Case Studies to Teach Engineering for Social Justice. Proceedings of 4S Annual meeting: Good Relations Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds, 2021.
[2] 2021 Hingle, A., & Johri, A. (2021). Using Role Play Scenarios to Teach Ethical Thinking. Proceedings of 2021 Innovations in Teaching & Learning Conference, George Mason University.
[1] 2021 Hingle, A., Johri, A., Rangwala, H., & Monea, A. (2021). Using the Boeing Max Air Disaster as A Role-play Scenario for Teaching Ethical Thinking. Proceedings of 2021 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Link